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Tips To Managing Independent Contractors In The Construction Industry

Independent Contractors

What is an independent contractor?

Workers can be classified into two: employee or independent contractor. An independent contractor also called a “freelancer”, is a person contracted or hired to provide services to another entity as a non-employee. This type of worker is either self-employed or hired by an organization to work for another. In the latter case, the original contractor will forward the bill that the client should pay for the work of the subcontractor. Whereas, a self-employed contractor collects the money or fees, himself.

Generally, employers can only control the result of a job by an independent contractor, but not the method or process through which the work is done. Unlike full-time employees, independent contractors are not entitled to benefits which include Social Security and Medicare contributions.

What are the advantages of hiring an independent contractor?

In managing a business, there will be times when you have to face critical situations requiring you to hire an extra professional hand. When working on a certain project that demands a special talent or skill which any of your current employees don’t possess, hiring an independent contractor would be a practical move. Why? Hiring a professional through a third party means the worker has been screened and proven to be trustworthy and competent. Once the project is completed, it will be easy for employers to cut ties with an independent contractor. This will help businesses save money from hiring an additional member of the team.

Helpful tips when hiring an independent contractor

One thing you should know when hiring an independent contractor is that they work differently from your full-time employees. You don’t have control over their work activities, thus you must focus on managing them properly. To avoid disputes or conflicts at work involving your hired independent contractors, here are a few helpful tips you should keep in mind:

Hire a seasoned professional with a clean track record. To make sure you won’t be having any problem, later on, know the individual fully before finally offering them the job. If your prospect contractor is part of an organization, do a professional background check on them. This will save you time, money, and the hassle of hiring the wrong person and putting your business project at risk.

Be clear with your demands and expectations and relay them properly to your hired contractors. This is important because it will determine the project outcomes. Make sure the contractors you hire understand your business needs and your company’s overall goal.

Always provide feedback. For contractors to know if they are doing the job right or if they meet your expectations, provide feedback on time. This way, they can quickly work on the necessary changes or adjustments to the project. Be honest with your feedback, don’t hesitate to point out the mistakes that have been made. However, always let them know and feel that you value the work produced.

Inquire for any potential problem that might be affecting the entire work process. Check with your hired contractors frequently and provide assistance when needed. There might already be serious obstacles that are preventing the successful completion of the project.

Dedicate time and effort to creating a wholesome relationship with your freelancers. Even though an independent contractor will just spend a few weeks or a month in your company, always strive to be a good employer to them during their stay. Choose to be a professional yet considerate boss to your workers. This will not only have a positive impact on each individual but can also help with increasing your business productivity.

Prepare the proper contract for your workers. Preparing a contract that will bind all parties can prevent any work disputes later on. In the contract, don’t forget to clearly state and explain your requirements for the job. Make sure your prospect contractors read them and understand them fully before signing. Don’t leave any clause in the contract vague or confusing. Always be straightforward when crafting a contract agreement.

Understand the applicable law. Basic knowledge of the law is important. This can save your business from the trouble of dealing with scammers and illegal workers. It is your responsibility as a business owner to learn about the different rights of your workers as well as the process of hiring independent contractors as dictated by law.

Finding the right suppliers

Just like finding reliable workers, partnering with the right supplier is equally relevant to the success of your building project. For your access door needs, only buy from a company with significant experience in the industry. Looking for a general purpose drywall access panel or other specialty doors? Save your time and effort by dealing with a one-stop-shop, so you won’t have to jump from one store to another.

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